Exploring the Key Differences between Bedslide and Cargoglide: Which Slide-out Truck Bed Tray is Best?

Bedslide and cargoglide are two popular sliding cargo tray brands. Bedslide is more heavy-duty and customizable, while cargoglide is easier to install and has a lower weight capacity.

Depending on your specific needs, one brand may be more suitable for you than the other. A sliding cargo tray can make it easier to load and unload heavy items from your truck bed. Bedslide and cargoglide are two of the most popular brands in this product category. Bedslide is known for its heavy-duty construction and customization options, while cargoglide is favored for its easy installation and more budget-friendly pricing. To help you determine which brand is better suited for your needs, this article will provide an in-depth comparison of bedslide vs cargoglide features, benefits, and pricing.

Exploring the Key Differences between Bedslide and Cargoglide: Which Slide-out Truck Bed Tray is Best?

Credit: www.cascaderack.com

What Are Bedslide And Cargoglide?

Bedslide Vs Cargoglide: What Are Bedslide And Cargoglide?

Organizing your truck bed can be a challenging task, especially if you carry heavy loads on a regular basis. Fortunately, bedslide and cargoglide are two excellent solutions to this problem. These two brands are designed to make hauling large items in your truck bed a breeze.

In this section of the blog post, we will give you a brief overview of bedslide and cargoglide, and we’ll explain how they are designed to work.

Brief Overview And History Of Bedslide And Cargoglide

Both bedslide and cargoglide are known for their superior quality in the aftermarket industry. They are truck bed slide-out systems that help you easily access your tools, equipment, and other cargo.

Bedslide was founded in 1999 and quickly became a leader in the industry for their innovative and reliable truck bed slide-out technology. They offer a wide range of models, making it easy to find a bed slide that works for your specific truck model and needs.

Cargoglide has a similar history to bedslide. They launched in 2006 and have since been dedicated to providing high-quality truck bed slide-outs to their customers. Cargoglide prides themselves on the fact that their products are customizable and fit any size truck bed.

How Are They Designed To Work?

Bedslide and cargoglide operate in the same general way. They are both truck bed slide-out systems that allow you to easily pull out your tools, equipment, and other cargo.

  • These systems are designed to be highly durable and long-lasting, even with heavy use.
  • They work well with a variety of different truck bed sizes and models.
  • Bedslide and cargoglide both feature a weight capacity of up to 2,000 pounds, which is more than enough for most hauling needs.
  • The systems are easy to install and require minimal modifications to your truck bed.
  • They both come with safety features such as tie-down points and locks to keep your cargo secure while driving.

Bedslide and cargoglide are both effective solutions for anyone looking to make hauling large items in their truck bed a much easier task. Whether you frequently transport equipment for work or just need a better way to carry heavy items, these two brands are an excellent investment for any truck owner.

Benefits Of Bedslide Vs Cargoglide

Are you trying to choose between bedslide and cargoglide for your truck bed extension needs? Both are great brands, but they do have some differences in functionality and benefits. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the advantages of bedslide versus cargoglide to help you make an informed decision.

Overview Of The Advantages Of Bedslide

Bedslide is a popular truck bed extension that allows you to load and unload heavy items with ease.

  • Increases loading capacity: with a bedslide, you can increase your truck’s loading capacity by up to 2,000 pounds. This is especially useful if you need to transport heavy items like furniture or construction materials.
  • Easy to install: a bedslide is easy to install and can be done with just a few hand tools. This saves you time and money on installation costs.
  • Provides easy access: with a bedslide, you can easily access your cargo from the safety of the truck bed. This eliminates the need to climb in and out of the bed, which can be dangerous and time-consuming.
  • Protects your cargo: a bedslide comes with a non-slip, rubberized surface that helps keep your cargo in place. This prevents damage to your items during transportation.

Overview Of The Advantages Of Cargoglide

Cargoglide is another popular truck bed extension that’s designed to make loading and unloading cargo easier.

  • Offers better organization: a cargoglide comes with a built-in deck divider that makes it easier to organize your cargo. This is especially useful if you need to transport a variety of items.
  • Saves time and effort: with a cargoglide, you can quickly and easily load and unload your cargo without having to strain yourself. This saves you time and effort during the transportation process.
  • Provides safety: a cargoglide comes with safety rails that prevent your cargo from falling out of the bed during transport. This is especially useful if you’re transporting fragile or valuable items.

Side-By-Side Comparison Of Features And Benefits

When deciding between bedslide and cargoglide, it’s important to consider the differences in functionality and benefits.

| Feature | Bedslide | Cargoglide |

| — | — | — |

| loading capacity | up to 2,000 pounds | up to 1,200 pounds |

| Install Time | 1-2 Hours | 1-3 Hours |

| ease of access | easy access to cargo | easy access to cargo |

| cargo organization | limited organization options | built-in deck divider |

| Cargo Protection | Non-Slip Surface | Safety Rails |

| price | $900 and up | $1,000 and up |

When deciding between bedslide and cargoglide, it’s important to consider your specific needs and preferences. Both brands offer excellent functionality and benefits for transporting cargo, but there are some differences that may make one brand a better fit for your needs.

By weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each brand, you can make an informed decision and choose the best truck bed extension for your specific needs.

How NOT to build a budget DIY truck bed slide-out

Comparing Bedslide And Cargoglide By Price

Bedslide and cargoglide are both well-known brands in the market for their high-quality truck bed drawer sliding systems. Customers may find themselves wondering which one is better suited for their specific needs, taking into account various factors such as price, features, and functionality.

In this segment, we’ll break down the pricing differences between bedslide and cargoglide, while also analyzing how the cost correlates with each product’s attributes.

Pricing Breakdown For Both Bedslide And Cargoglide

When it comes to purchasing a truck bed drawer sliding system, price is often a significant consideration.


  • Bedslide offers various products that differ in price, ranging from $799 to $2,599, depending on the model and size needed.
  • The basic bedslide model is the most affordable, starting at $799, and offers substantial weight capacity and durability.
  • The higher-end models, such as the bedslide pro, range from $1,599 to $2,599, depending on the size. These models come with added features such as led lighting, weather-resistant design, and higher weight capacity.


  • Cargoglide products also differ in price, ranging from $899. 95 to $2,149. 95, depending on the model and size required.
  • The cg1000, 1000 xl, and 1500 xl models are priced at $899. 95, $1,149. 95, and $1,459. 95, respectively. These models have a weight capacity of up to 1,500 pounds and are designed with a patented latch and lock system.
  • The hd models, such as the cg2200hd and cg2200xlhd, are priced at $1,874. 95 and $2,149. 95, respectively, and offer higher weight capacity, weather-resistant design, and other advanced features.

Discussion On How Each Product’S Pricing Correlates With Its Features And Functionality

Bedslide and cargoglide products offer varying features and functionalities, but the price seems to correspond well with the attributes of the product. The higher-priced models from both brands have more advanced features, such as weather-resistant design, led lighting, and higher weight capacity.

Additionally, the models with higher weight capacity tend to have a higher cost.

  • Bedslide offers a higher weight capacity than cargoglide, making it suitable for carrying heavier loads, especially for contractors and those who transport equipment.
  • Cargoglide models have a lower weight capacity, but they are equipped with a patented latch and lock system, making it more secure and durable.
  • Both bedslide and cargoglide products have options that are specific to certain vehicle makes and models, which may affect their price.

Pricing is a significant consideration when purchasing a truck bed drawer sliding system, but it’s essential to remember that the cost should correspond to the features and functionality required for your specific needs. When choosing between bedslide and cargoglide, it’s wise to compare the two based on price, weight capacity, functionality and features, and compatibility with your truck make and model.

How Bedslide And Cargoglide Are Installed And Used

If you own a truck, you know how inconvenient it can be to move around heavy cargo. This is where bedslide and cargoglide come in, as they are two products that can make the process much smoother. However, before deciding on one, you’ll need to understand the key differences between the two, as well as how to install and use each one.

Step-By-Step Guide On How To Install Both Bedslide And Cargoglide

Installing bedslide and cargoglide can be challenging if you have never done it before. But, with a step-by-step guide, it becomes more manageable.

Bedslide Installation

  • Start by measuring the bed of your truck to ensure the bedslide fits appropriately.
  • Next, remove the tailgate, followed by the bedliner if there is one.
  • Place the bedslide in the bed of your truck, making sure it’s level.
  • Attach the brackets to the frame of the truck bed and then attach them to the bedslide using the bolts included.
  • Lastly, secure the bedslide to the brackets using u-bolts.

Cargoglide Installation

  • The installation process is quite similar to bedslide installation. Start by measuring the bed of your truck and ensuring that the cargoglide fits perfectly.
  • Place the cargoglide in the bed of the truck, making sure it’s level.
  • Attach the brackets to the frame of the truck bed and then attach them to the cargoglide using the bolts provided.
  • Lastly, secure the cargoglide to the brackets using u-bolts.

In-Depth Look At How Each Product Is Used

Now that you have learned how to install bedslide and cargoglide, it’s time to understand how each product works and their unique features.

Bedslide Usage

Bedslide has a weight capacity of up to 1,000 pounds, making it perfect for carrying heavy cargo. Its unique feature is its side rails, which prevent cargo from sliding off the bedslide while in transit. Additionally, the bedslide rolls out smoothly, making it easy to load and unload cargo.

Cargoglide Usage

Cargoglide, on the other hand, has a weight capacity of up to 2,000 pounds, making it perfect for carrying heavy and bulky cargo. Its unique feature is its weapon locker. You can use it to store your firearms, ensuring they’re safe while you’re on the move.

Cargoglide also has adjustable tie-down points that allow you to secure your cargo better.

Overall, both bedslide and cargoglide are excellent options when it comes to truck bed cargo management. They both offer unique features that make them stand out. With this guide, you can now pick which one works best for your truck and cargo needs.

Taking Care Of Your Bedslide Or Cargoglide

In the world of truck beds, two brands that stand out are bedslide and cargoglide. These brands offer a sliding tray for your truck bed, making it easier to access cargo at the back of your vehicle. However, having invested in either of these brands, it is essential to care for them properly to ensure longevity and performance.

Here is a breakdown of how to maintain your bedslide or cargoglide.

How To Properly Maintain Each Product To Ensure Longevity And Performance

Bedslide Maintenance

  • Clean your bedslide regularly with a soft cloth and mild detergent
  • Lubricate the bearings with silicone spray once every three months
  • Inspect the fasteners, bolts, and locks monthly and tighten if necessary
  • Ensure the load capacity is not exceeded, as this can cause damage to the bedslide
  • Avoid overloading your bedslide to prevent any warping or bending
  • Store your bedslide in a dry and safe place if it is not being used.

Cargoglide Maintenance

  • Clean your cargoglide regularly with a soft brush, water and mild cleaner
  • Lubricate the bearings with silicone spray once every six months
  • Check the fasteners, bolts, and locks periodically and tighten if necessary
  • Remove any excess weight to prevent overloading, which could lead to damage
  • Replace any damaged or worn-out bearings, as this can affect the smooth running of the cargoglide
  • Cover the cargoglide when not in use to protect it from the elements.

Discussion On Common Issues And How To Troubleshoot Them

Bedslide Issues

  • The bedslide is difficult to pull out, or it is not sliding smoothly. – this could be due to dirt, debris, or lack of lubrication on the bearings. Clean the bearings or add silicone spray on the bearings to improve sliding.
  • The bedslide is producing strange noises while in use – check to see if any of the bolts or fasteners are loose. Tighten them accordingly.
  • The bedslide is not level – this issue is usually due to the installation process. Check the installation manual for the correct placement of the bedslide, and adjust accordingly.

Cargoglide Issues

  • The cargoglide is not sliding smoothly – this issue can be caused by debris, dirt, or the bearings needing to be lubricated. Clean the bearings and add silicone spray.
  • The bearings are worn out – replace the bearings if you notice any damage or wear and tear.
  • The weight on the cargoglide is causing it to sag in the center – this could be due to excessive weight being added to the cargoglide. Remove some of the load to prevent sagging.

By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your bedslide or cargoglide in excellent condition and ensure they last for a long time. Nonetheless, if you still encounter any issues, refer to the user manual or contact the manufacturer for more support.

Choosing The Right Truck Bed Tray For Your Needs

Truck bed trays have become increasingly popular, especially for those in the trucking industry. Bedslide and cargoglide are two of the leading brands, offering a variety of products to meet different needs. Choosing the right truck bed tray for your needs can be a challenging task, but this article aims to make it easier for you.

Review Of The Key Differences Between Bedslide And Cargoglide

Bedslide and cargoglide are similar products with slight differences in features and pricing. Understanding these differences can help you decide on the best truck bed tray for your needs.

  • Bedslide offers a weight capacity of up to 2,000 pounds, while cargoglide’s weight capacity is around 1,200 pounds.
  • Cargoglide is slightly more affordable than bedslide.
  • Bedslide offers more customization options, including color, size, and accessories.
  • Cargoglide is easier to install, which makes it a better option for those who prefer to install it at home.

Tips For Selecting The Right Product Based On Individual Needs And Priorities

Choosing the right product can depend on your individual needs and priorities.

  • Consider the weight capacity required for your work. If you need to carry heavy items, consider bedslide with a higher weight capacity.
  • Look at the customization options available, including size and accessories. Bedslide provides more customization options than cargoglide.
  • Take the time to think about the installation specifics. If you prefer to install it yourself, cargoglide may be the better option for you.

Final Recommendations Based On Product Features, Pricing, And Overall Value

After considering the key differences between the two options, here are our recommendations:

  • If you are looking for affordable options, choose cargoglide as it is less expensive than bedslide.
  • For those who require a higher weight capacity, bedslide can accommodate up to 2,000 pounds, making it a better choice.
  • If you prefer a truck bed tray that is easy to install and won’t take up too much of your time, cargoglide is the better option for you.
  • Finally, if you are looking for more customization options, choose bedslide. You will have more options for color, size and accessories.

The decision to choose between bedslide and cargoglide could be highly subjective, based on personal preferences, needs and available budget. This article aims to provide you with some guidance on the key differences to aid your decision.

Frequently Asked Questions For Bedslide Vs Cargoglide


Based on the comparison of bedslide vs cargoglide, it is easy to see that both products have their advantages and disadvantages. If you are looking for a heavy-duty, high-capacity slide, then the cargoglide is the way to go. It can handle more weight and has a larger surface area.

However, if you are looking for affordability and versatility, then the bedslide is perfect for you. It is easier to install, doesn’t require drilling, and has various sizes and weight capacities to choose from. Ultimately, the choice between these two slides depends on what you are looking for.

Whether you travel long distances, are an avid hunter or contractor, or just need additional space for your cargo, both the bedslide and cargoglide are great options to consider. Get the most of your truck bed space and invest in a quality slide today.

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