Blue Ox Sway Pro Problems: Causes, Solutions, and Recommendations

Blue ox sway pro problems can be addressed by adjusting the tension of the spring bars. The sway control system may also need to be checked for proper installation and maintenance.

Blue ox sway pro is a popular and effective sway control system designed to keep trailers moving safely and smoothly on the road. However, like any other device, it may pose problems if not used appropriately or not maintained well. Some common blue ox sway pro problems include inadequate sway reduction, improper weight distribution, or incorrect installation. In this article, we will discuss some of these problems and provide useful tips on how to resolve them. We’ll also offer valuable information on how to maintain and operate the blue ox sway pro to keep it in optimal working condition.

Blue Ox Sway Pro Problems: Causes, Solutions, and Recommendations


Understanding The Blue Ox Sway Pro Hitch System

The blue ox sway pro hitch system has made towing heavy loads easier and safer for drivers all over the world. Despite its popularity, some users have experienced some problems that have left them wondering if it’s worth investing in this hitch system.

In this article, we’ll delve into the blue ox sway pro hitch system, breaking down the key points to help you make an informed decision.

Brief Overview Of What The Blue Ox Sway Pro Hitch System Is And How It Works

The blue ox sway pro hitch system is an innovative towing solution designed to eliminate trailer sway and improve overall control. It works by utilizing a weight distribution hitch and sway control in a single unit.

Here are the key features:

  • Utilizes spring bars to ensure weight distribution bracket stays in place.
  • Provides superior sway control compared to other weight distribution hitches.
  • Provides a more comfortable and safer towing experience, especially on windy days, with passing traffic, or during emergency maneuvers.
  • Increases the life of your towing vehicle and trailer.

Blue Ox Sway Pro Hitch System Compatibility

When choosing a hitch system, it’s always a good idea to confirm that it’s compatible with your vehicle and trailer. The blue ox sway pro hitch system is designed to work with a wide range of tow vehicles and trailers, making it an ideal option for most drivers.

  • Towing capacity is up to 15,000 pounds.
  • Works with most types of trailers that use a weight distribution hitch.
  • Hitch balls are available in various sizes, from 1 7/8″ to 2 5/16″.

Benefits Of Using The Blue Ox Sway Pro Hitch System

The blue ox sway pro hitch system offers several benefits worth considering.

  • Improved safety by reducing sway and providing better control during towing.
  • Reduced wear and tear on both your tow vehicle and trailer.
  • Easy to install, adjust, and use.
  • Versatile and suitable for most towing setups.
  • Durable and built to last many trips.

Common Problems With The Blue Ox Sway Pro Hitch System

Despite its many benefits, some drivers have experienced issues with the blue ox sway pro hitch system.

  • Noise when turning due to the spring bars rubbing against the weight distribution bracket. This issue can be resolved by applying a high-quality lubricant to the contact points.
  • Difficulty adjusting the hitch’s head tilt angle, which can cause the trailer to sway. This issue can be resolved by consulting the owner’s manual or a professional.
  • The sway control unit may require frequent adjustments, especially during long trips.

How To Maintain The Blue Ox Sway Pro Hitch System

Proper maintenance is critical to ensuring your blue ox sway pro hitch system remains in excellent condition.

  • Regularly clean all parts of the hitch system to prevent dirt and debris buildup that can cause damage.
  • Inspect the sway control unit and spring bars before every trip to ensure they’re in good condition.
  • Lubricate the contact points to prevent noise and ensure smooth operation.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when making adjustments to the hitch setup.

The blue ox sway pro hitch system is an excellent investment for drivers looking for a safer and more comfortable towing experience. Despite some issues, it’s still one of the most reliable hitch systems on the market. By adhering to the manufacturer’s instructions and properly maintaining the hitch, you can avoid most problems and enjoy your trips with peace of mind.

Common Blue Ox Sway Pro Problems

Overview Of The Most Common Problems That Users Experience With The System

Blue ox sway pro is known for its smooth and safe towing of a trailer, but there are a few problems that users might experience.

  • Swaying or fishtailing of the trailer while driving
  • Difficulty in adjusting the system
  • Friction pads or sockets wearing out too quickly

Let’s dive into each of these issues and find out how to fix them.

Swaying Or Fishtailing Of The Trailer While Driving

Swaying or fishtailing of the trailer can be a terrifying and dangerous experience while driving. There are several reasons why this might happen with the blue ox sway pro.

  • Overloading the trailer: make sure that the trailer’s weight is within the towing capacity limit.
  • Poor distribution of weight: ensure that the weight is appropriately distributed in the trailer, with most of it towards the front.
  • Poor installation of the sway control system: ensure that the sway control system is correctly installed as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Windy conditions: try not to drive in high wind conditions or adjust your driving speed accordingly.

Difficulty In Adjusting The System

The blue ox sway pro is one of the easiest weight distribution and sway control systems to install, but some people might find it challenging to adjust the system.

  • Difficulty in accessing the adjustment bolts: try to park on a level surface, so the trailer is parallel with the ground, making it easier to access the adjustment bolts from underneath.
  • Adjusting weight distribution: to adjust the weight distribution of the trailer, use a wrench to turn the adjustment bolt. The number of turns required to adjust the weight distribution can vary, so refer to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Friction Pads Or Sockets Wearing Out Too Quickly

The friction pads or sockets of the blue ox sway pro can wear out over time, causing reduced sway control effectiveness.

  • Regular inspection: check the friction pads and sockets regularly for signs of wear and tear.
  • Lubrication: use a high-temperature lubrication grease, like lithium, to lubricate the sockets and pads every six months.

By being aware of these common blue ox sway pro problems and how to fix them, you can enjoy a safer and smoother towing experience.

Blue Ox SwayPro 1000… 1 Year Review

Causes Of Blue Ox Sway Pro Problems

Blue ox sway pro is a highly sought-after system that ensures stability while towing heavy trailers. However, this system could sometimes develop problems that may put the users’ safety at risk. Understanding the causes of these problems is essential to ensure their prevention.

In an in-depth discussion, we will explore the contributing factors that result in blue ox sway pro problems.

Improper Installation Of The System

Poor installation of the blue ox sway pro system could trigger a series of problems that affect the system’s overall performance.

  • Unlevelled trailer: installing the system on an unleveled trailer could cause significant stress on the hitch components.
  • Improper attachment: a faulty attachment to the trailer could cause the sway pro system to be unstable.
  • Inadequate tension: not providing the correct tension to the system results in ineffective control of the trailer’s sway.
  • Incorrect alignment: aligning the hitch components incorrectly adds undue stress to the system’s parts.

Incorrect Adjustment Of The Hitch Components

The hitch components’ incorrect adjustment in the blue ox sway pro system can trigger severe problems, leading to safety issues.

  • Loose bolts: loosen bolts could cause detachment of the hitch components, leading to swaying of the trailer.
  • Over-tightening of bolts: tightening the bolts beyond the required limit could cause irreparable damage to the hitch components.
  • Unaligned devices: the devices should be aligned correctly to ensure that they work in harmony, minimising the swaying of the trailer.
  • Improper configuration: improper configuration of hitch components could result in the same sway that the blue ox sway pro system intended to prevent.

Overloading Of The Trailer Or Exceeding Weight Limits

Many users overload or exceed their trailer’s weight limits, leading to problems with the blue ox sway pro system.

  • Unforeseen trailer swaying: the blue ox sway pro system is built to prevent usual sway, but it cannot control a severely overloaded trailer.
  • Misbalancing: an overloaded trailer could misbalance the system, resulting in instability.
  • Increased stress on parts: overloading could lead to higher stress on the system’s parts, accelerating wear and tear.

Blue ox sway pro problems could arise due to improper installation, incorrect adjustment of the hitch components, and overloading of the trailer. Making sure that these contributing factors are prevented will ensure a safe and secure towing experience.

Solutions To Blue Ox Sway Pro Problems

Blue Ox Sway Pro Problems: Solutions To Fix Them

The blue ox sway pro hitch system is a popular choice for rvers as it provides excellent stability and control on the road. However, even the most reliable systems may encounter problems at times. Here are some practical steps that can be taken to fix issues with the blue ox sway pro hitch system.

Re-Adjusting The System To Ensure Proper Weight Distribution

Proper weight distribution is essential for the efficient functioning of the blue ox sway pro hitch system. If you experience problems with the hitch, it’s likely because it’s not distributing the weight properly.

  • Tweak the hitch bars to adjust the weight distribution. You can do this by loosening the brackets and lifting the hitch head onto a support block. From there, you can adjust the hitch bars to distribute the weight evenly.
  • Check the trailer tongue weight and ensure that it falls within the recommended range based on the trailer’s weight.

Replacing Worn-Out Components Such As Friction Pads Or Sockets

Over time, components such as friction pads and sockets can wear out, leading to poor performance of the blue ox sway pro hitch system.

  • Check if any of the friction pads are worn out. If so, unscrew them and replace them with new ones. Make sure you replace them in sets to ensure even wear.
  • Check if the sockets on the hitch head are worn out. If that’s the case, lift the hitch head onto a support block, and replace them with new sockets.

Consulting With A Professional Mechanic Or Technician To Ensure Proper Installation And Adjustment

If you’ve tried the above practical steps and still experience problems with the blue ox sway pro hitch system, consider consulting with a professional mechanic or technician to ensure proper installation and adjustment.

Here are three reasons why consulting with a professional is a good idea:

  • They have the expertise to diagnose and fix issues you may not be able to address yourself.
  • They have the tools and equipment needed to make the necessary adjustments and replacements.
  • They can ensure that the hitch system is in compliance with manufacturer’s specifications and safety standards.

By following these practical steps, you can easily fix most issues with the blue ox sway pro hitch system, resulting in a safer, more comfortable ride.

Best Practices And Recommendations For Using The Blue Ox Sway Pro Hitch System

Blue ox sway pro problems can be frustrating, but with the right measures in place, you can avoid them altogether. In this blog post, we’ll look at the best practices and recommendations for using the blue ox sway pro hitch system.

Follow these suggestions, and you’ll enjoy a smooth, safe, and problem-free towing experience.

Tips And Strategies For Avoiding Common Problems And Maximizing The Effectiveness Of The System

Regular Inspection And Maintenance Of The System

  • Inspect the system before every trip to ensure all parts are in working order.
  • Lubricate all moving parts as needed to prevent rust, corrosion, or damage.
  • Tighten loose bolts, nuts, or other parts to minimize noise, vibration, and sway.
  • Replace any worn or damaged components promptly to avoid costly repairs.

Proper Loading And Distribution Of Weight On The Trailer

  • Load the trailer with the heaviest items first and distribute the weight evenly.
  • Keep the cargo as close to the trailer’s axles as possible to maintain balance.
  • Avoid overloading the trailer beyond its rated capacity, which can lead to sway.
  • Use a weight distribution hitch to distribute the load evenly across the trailer.

Use of additional safety features such as trailer brakes or sway control devices

  • Use trailer brakes to help slow the trailer and vehicle during sudden stops or downhill runs.
  • Install additional sway control devices to reduce sway caused by crosswinds or passing vehicles.
  • Keep the speed steady and avoid sudden maneuvers to prevent swaying of the trailer.
  • Use the sway control feature of the blue ox sway pro hitch system, which detects and mitigates sway in real-time.

By following these tips and strategies, you can avoid common problems associated with towing and maximize the effectiveness of the blue ox sway pro hitch system. Remember, regular maintenance, proper loading, and additional safety features are crucial in ensuring a safe and enjoyable towing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Blue Ox Sway Pro Problems

What Are Common Problems With The Blue Ox Sway Pro System?

The blue ox sway pro system is prone to issues like noise, sway, and difficulty during installation. These problems can arise due to incorrect setup, improper weight distribution, or wear and tear of parts. Regular maintenance and proper use can prevent these problems.

How Can I Troubleshoot Sway Issues With My Blue Ox Sway Pro System?

If you experience sway with your blue ox sway pro system, check that your weight distribution is proper and that your tow vehicle and trailer are level. Make sure your sway bars are positioned properly and that your trailer brakes are functioning.

You may also want to consider adjusting the tension on the sway bars.

Can The Noise From My Blue Ox Sway Pro System Be Fixed?

Yes, the noise from blue ox sway pro system can be fixed by lubricating the friction points with a high-quality lubricant. Be sure to use a lubricant that’s compatible with the system’s materials, and apply it regularly to avoid future noise issues.

Alternatively, you can use noise-dampening devices or accessories.

How Do I Properly Install The Blue Ox Sway Pro System?

To install the blue ox sway pro system, ensure that your tow vehicle and trailer are level and that your weight distribution is appropriate. Install the hitch on your tow vehicle and attach the spring bars and sway bars to your trailer’s tongue.

Adjust the tension on the sway bars according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Can My Blue Ox Sway Pro System Be Repaired?

Yes, some parts of the blue ox sway pro system can be repaired or replaced if they are damaged or worn. Common parts that may require repair or replacement include the sway bars, bushings, and spring bars. Contact blue ox or a professional mechanic to determine whether a repair or replacement is necessary.


After taking into consideration the various issues that can arise with the blue ox sway pro, it is essential to weigh the advantages and downsides of using this product. While the blue ox sway pro is a functional solution for towing and effectively reducing sway, it requires proper installation, maintenance, and adjustment to prevent problems.

Ignoring the manufacturer’s instructions can lead to issues such as noise, wear and tear, and even accidents. Therefore, it is advisable to follow the product manual closely, and seek professional help when required. Blue ox sway pro problems can be avoided with proper usage, making it a worthwhile investment for those looking for a safe and effective way to tow their vehicles on the road.

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