Hot Water Heater Pilot Light Keeps Going Out

The pilot light of a hot water heater can go out due to a faulty thermocouple or a gas supply issue. Check the thermocouple for proper functioning and ensure that the gas supply is ample.

A hot water heater is an essential appliance that is used for various purposes like bathing, washing clothes, and utensils. But if you find that your hot water heater’s pilot light keeps going out, it can be quite discomforting, especially during wintertime.

The pilot light is the ignition source for the furnace, and it is crucial that it keeps burning continuously. There are various reasons why it might go out, such as a faulty thermocouple or a gas supply issue. In this article, we will discuss the reasons for the problem and solutions to fix it.

Hot Water Heater Pilot Light Keeps Going Out


Introduction To Hot Water Heater Pilot Light Issues

Hot water heater pilot light going out can be a significant issue that many homeowners complain about. It can be quite frustrating when you’re in the middle of a shower, and the hot water suddenly turns cold. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the reasons behind hot water heater pilot light problems and how you can address them.

Importance Of Hot Water Heater Pilot Light

The pilot light is a crucial component of a hot water heater. It’s a small flame that ignites the gas burner when the water temperature drops below a certain level. Without the pilot light, your water heater will not function effectively, and you will not have hot water.

Therefore, it’s important to keep the pilot light burning at all times.

Common Issue Of Hot Water Heater Pilot Light Going Out

One of the most common hot water heater pilot light issues is that it keeps going out.

  • Dirty pilot tube or orifice: Dirt and grime can block the pilot tube or orifice, making the flame go out.
  • Thermocouple problems: If the thermocouple is malfunctioning, it will shut down the gas supply to the burner, causing the pilot light to go out.
  • Gas valve issues: A faulty gas valve won’t allow enough gas to flow into the burner, causing the pilot light to go out.
  • Drafts: Strong drafts from windows or doors can blow the pilot light out.

Overview Of Causes And Solutions

Here’s an overview of the causes and solutions of hot water heater pilot light issues:

Dirty Pilot Tube Or Orifice

  • Solution: Clean the pilot tube or orifice with a needle or compressed air.

Thermocouple Problems

  • Solution: Replace the thermocouple.

Gas Valve Issues

  • Solution: Replace the gas valve.


  • Solution: Seal any gaps around windows and doors to prevent drafts.

Hot water heater pilot light issues are a common problem that homeowners face. However, the reasons behind the problem can be easily fixed with the right solutions and troubleshooting. By following the tips mentioned in this blog post, you can ensure that your hot water heater functions effortlessly and that you have hot water whenever you need it.

Reasons Why The Hot Water Heater Pilot Light Keeps Going Out

Hot water heater pilot light keeps going out? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. With regular usage, pilot lights can go out for a variety of reasons. In this section, we will explore the reasons why the hot water heater pilot light keeps going out.

Faulty Thermocouple

One of the most common reasons for a pilot light to go out is a faulty thermocouple. The thermocouple is a small device that is attached to the gas valve of the hot water heater. It senses the heat from the pilot light and sends an electrical signal to the gas valve to keep the gas flowing.

If the thermocouple is not functioning correctly, it will not send the signal to the gas valve, causing the pilot light to go out.

To fix this issue, you will need to replace the faulty thermocouple. You can purchase a new one at your local hardware store and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install it.

Clogged Pilot Tube

Another common reason for a pilot light to go out is a clogged pilot tube. The pilot tube is a small copper tube that delivers gas to the pilot light. Over time, the pilot tube can become clogged with debris, preventing the gas from reaching the pilot light.

To fix this issue, you will need to clean the pilot tube. You can do this by turning off the gas supply and using a small wire to remove any debris that may be blocking the tube. Once the tube is clear, you can turn the gas supply back on and relight the pilot light.

Malfunctioning Gas Valve

If the thermocouple is functioning correctly and the pilot light is still going out, the gas valve may be malfunctioning. The gas valve controls the flow of gas to the pilot light and the burners. If it is not functioning correctly, it may be shutting off the gas supply to the pilot light, causing it to go out.

To fix this issue, you will need to replace the gas valve. This is a more advanced repair and should be done by a licensed technician.

Dirty Or Corroded Burners

Dirty or corroded burners can also cause a pilot light to go out. Over time, burners can become clogged with debris, preventing the gas from flowing properly. Additionally, corrosion can cause the burners to malfunction and not ignite.

To fix this issue, you will need to clean or replace the burners. You can clean the burners by carefully removing them and using a wire brush to remove any debris. If the burners are corroded, they will need to be replaced.

Inadequate Air Supply

Finally, a pilot light may go out if there is inadequate air supply to the hot water heater. If your hot water heater is located in an enclosed space, such as a closet, there may not be enough air getting to the unit to support combustion.

To fix this issue, you will need to provide adequate air supply to the hot water heater. This can be done by installing vents in the closet or by moving the hot water heater to a location with more ventilation.

There are several reasons why the hot water heater pilot light keeps going out. The most common reasons include a faulty thermocouple, clogged pilot tube, malfunctioning gas valve, dirty or corroded burners, and inadequate air supply. By identifying the cause of the problem, you can take the necessary steps to fix it and ensure your hot water heater is running smoothly.

Troubleshooting: How To Fix A Hot Water Heater Pilot Light Going Out

If your hot water heater keeps shutting down, it can be frustrating, especially when you are in the middle of taking a shower. The most common issue causing the pilot light to go out is a defective thermocouple or a malfunctioning gas valve.

But before you call in a professional, you can try some troubleshooting tips to fix the problem. We will discuss the steps to take to fix a hot water heater pilot light that keeps going out.

Turn Off The Gas Supply

Before you start any troubleshooting steps, it’s important to turn off the gas supply for safety reasons. Locate the gas supply valve and shut it off by turning the valve perpendicular to the gas line. Once you ensure that the gas supply is off, you can proceed with the following steps.

Inspect The Thermocouple And Pilot Tube

The thermocouple is a safety device that senses the pilot light’s heat and signals the gas valve to keep the gas flowing. If the thermocouple is faulty, the pilot light will go out, causing the water heater to stop working.

  • Remove the access panel and locate the thermocouple.
  • Check the thermocouple for any signs of damage or wear and tear.
  • Check the pilot tube for blockage or debris.
  • Make sure the thermocouple is positioned correctly in the pilot light flame.

Clean Or Replace The Thermocouple And Pilot Tube

If you notice any issues with the thermocouple or pilot tube, cleaning or replacing them may be enough to solve the problem.

  • Turn off the gas supply and wait for the water heater to cool down.
  • Remove the thermocouple and pilot tube from the heater.
  • Clean the thermocouple and pilot tube with a soft-bristled brush or compressed air.
  • Reinstall the cleaned or new thermocouple and pilot tube.

Check The Gas Valve And Burner

If the thermocouple and pilot tube are in good shape, the problem could be with the gas valve or burner.

  • Remove the access panel and locate the gas valve.
  • Check the gas valve for any damage or issues.
  • Inspect the burner for blockage or debris.
  • Clean the burner and gas valve if necessary.

Address Any Issues With Insufficient Air Supply

If the burner flame is yellow and sputtering instead of blue and steady, it could be due to insufficient air supply.

  • Ensure that the room is well-ventilated.
  • Check the air intake screen for any blockage.
  • Clean or replace the air intake screen if necessary.

Restart The Pilot Light

Once you have addressed any underlying issues, it’s time to restart the pilot light.

  • Turn the gas supply valve back on.
  • Turn the pilot light valve to “pilot” and hold it down while using a lighter or match to light the pilot light.
  • Hold the valve down for 60 seconds before releasing it.
  • Turn the valve to “on” and test the water heater.

Fixing a hot water heater pilot light that keeps going out isn’t rocket science, and you can do it yourself. But if you feel uncomfortable with any of the troubleshooting steps, it’s best to call in a professional.

When To Call A Professional

If your hot water heater pilot light keeps going out, it might be time to call a professional. While it’s tempting to try to fix the problem yourself, there are many situations where a professional is necessary to ensure your safety and the proper function of your hot water heater.

In this section, we’ll cover the situations that require professional assistance, how to find a qualified professional, and questions to ask when hiring a professional.

Situations That Require Professional Assistance

If you’ve tried to relight your hot water heater pilot light but it keeps going out, it’s time to call a professional.

  • If you smell gas. This could indicate a gas leak and should be treated as an emergency.
  • If the pilot light won’t stay lit after multiple attempts to relight it.
  • If you hear strange or unusual noises coming from your hot water heater.
  • If you notice leaks or rust on or around your hot water heater.
  • If your hot water heater is at the end of its lifespan (usually around 10-15 years depending on the manufacturer).

How To Find A Qualified Professional

Finding a qualified professional to fix your hot water heater can be overwhelming, but there are a few steps you can take to ensure you’re working with a reputable technician:

  • Ask for referrals from friends, family, or neighbors who have had hot water heater problems before.
  • Do your research online and read reviews on sites like google, yelp, or angie’s list.
  • Check the company’s licensing and certifications to make sure they are qualified to work on your hot water heater.
  • Ask about experience and training to ensure they are equipped to handle the specific make and model of your hot water heater.

Questions To Ask When Hiring A Professional

Before hiring a professional to fix your hot water heater, it’s important to ask a few key questions to ensure you’re working with a qualified technician:

  • What is the cost estimate for the repair?
  • How long will the repair take?
  • What kind of warranty or guarantee is offered on the repair?
  • Are there any discounts or promotions currently available?
  • What kind of experience does the technician have specifically working on my make and model of hot water heater?
  • Is the company licensed, bonded, and insured?
  • What kind of safety precautions will the technician take while working on my hot water heater?

Remember, while it might seem like an unnecessary expense to hire a professional to fix your hot water heater, it’s always better to err on the side of caution when dealing with gas appliances. Your safety and the proper functioning of your hot water heater are worth the investment in a qualified professional.

Prevention: How To Avoid Hot Water Heater Pilot Light Issues

Are you tired of constantly relighting the pilot light on your hot water heater? Not only can it be frustrating, but it can also lead to potential dangers such as gas leaks. Prevention is key when it comes to avoiding hot water heater pilot light issues.

In this section, we’ll cover some simple maintenance and usage practices that can help keep your hot water heater running smoothly.

Regular Maintenance And Inspections

Regular maintenance and inspections of your hot water heater can go a long way in preventing pilot light issues.

  • Schedule annual maintenance with a professional to ensure your hot water heater is running safely and efficiently.
  • Inspect the pilot light periodically for any signs of damage or wear and tear.
  • Keep the area around your hot water heater clean and clear of any debris or clutter.
  • Check the air intake and exhaust vents for any blockages that may impede the flow of air.

Best Practices For Water Heater Usage

Using your hot water heater properly is also an important factor in preventing pilot light issues.

  • Avoid setting the temperature too high as it can put unnecessary strain on the system, leading to greater wear and tear on the pilot light.
  • Only use hot water when needed, rather than letting it run unnecessarily.
  • Consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient hot water heater model to avoid overuse.

Importance Of Addressing Issues Promptly

If you do notice any issues with your hot water heater or pilot light, it’s important to address them promptly.

  • Ignoring issues can lead to increased wear and tear on the pilot light, potentially causing it to go out more frequently.
  • Delaying repairs can also lead to greater safety concerns, such as gas leaks or fires.
  • Addressing issues promptly can help extend the lifespan of your hot water heater, saving you money in the long run.

By following these simple prevention tips, you can avoid hot water heater pilot light issues and enjoy consistent access to hot water. Remember to prioritize regular maintenance and inspections, smart usage practices, and prompt attention to issues as they arise.

With these practices in place, you’ll be able to have peace of mind knowing your hot water heater is operating safely and efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions For Hot Water Heater Pilot Light Keeps Going Out

Why Does Pilot Light Keep Going Out On Hot Water Heater?

The reasons for a pilot light to go out on a hot water heater can vary, including a dirty thermocouple, a faulty control valve, or a draft. All of these issues can cause the pilot light to stop working correctly and require repair or replacement.

Can I Relight A Hot Water Heater Pilot Light Myself?

Yes, you can relight a hot water heater pilot light yourself, but it’s crucial to ensure you follow the proper safety procedures. Turn off the gas supply before attempting to relight the pilot light, and carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid injury or damage to your water heater.

What Is A Thermocouple, And Why Is It Important To My Pilot Light?

A thermocouple is a safety device that detects if the pilot light has gone out in your hot water heater. It prevents the flow of gas until the pilot light is burning correctly, keeping your home safe from gas leaks.

A dirty or faulty thermocouple can cause the pilot light to go out, requiring replacement.

How Do I Troubleshoot A Hot Water Heater Pilot Light That Keeps Going Out?

Troubleshooting your hot water heater pilot light can involve checking the thermocouple, control valve, gas supply, or draft. It’s essential to turn off the gas supply and refer to the manufacturer’s instructions before attempting any repairs or replacements. If in doubt, call a professional plumber to diagnose and repair the issue.

What Should I Do If My Hot Water Heater Pilot Light Keeps Going Out Despite My Best Efforts?

If you’ve tried relighting the pilot light and troubleshooting the issue, but it continues to go out, it’s time to call a professional plumber. They can diagnose the problem and recommend the best course of action, whether that’s repair or replacement, to ensure your hot water heater is functioning correctly and safely.


After reading this article, you now have a better understanding of why your hot water heater pilot light keeps going out and how to fix it. Remember to turn off the gas and electricity before examining your water heater and be careful when working with gas.

Regular maintenance and cleaning are essential to keep your water heater functioning correctly. If you have attempted all the troubleshooting tips and your pilot light still keeps going out, it could be time to call a professional. Don’t ignore this issue, since a malfunctioning water heater could lead to more severe problems, including carbon monoxide poisoning or a gas explosion.

Take care of your water heater, and it’ll provide you with reliable hot water for years to come.

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