Nissan Key Fob Not Working: Easy Troubleshooting Tips

If your nissan key fob is not working, try replacing the battery or reprogramming it. Check the user manual for instructions.

Additionally, make sure the fob is not damaged or needs to be reset. Proper maintenance can prevent issues with your key fob and ensure it works efficiently.

Nissan Key Fob Not Working: Easy Troubleshooting Tips


Understanding The Key Fob And How It Works

What Is A Key Fob And How Does It Work

A key fob is a small device that allows you to open the doors of your vehicle and start the ignition without actually physically inserting a key. This device communicates electronically with your car. It uses an embedded microchip and a low-frequency radio signal to send commands to your car’s security system and other electrical systems.

A key fob typically has two main parts, a receiver and a transmitter. The receiver is located in the car, and it receives signals from the transmitter in the key fob. When you press the button on the key fob, the transmitter sends a low-frequency radio signal to the receiver in the car, which then activates the requested task.

Pros And Cons Of Key Fobs

Like any other device, key fobs have their advantages and disadvantages. Some pros and cons of key fobs are listed below:


  • Convenience: Key fobs are easy to use, and they allow you to unlock your car and start the engine without using a key.
  • Security: Key fobs use sophisticated security systems, making them difficult to hack or replicate.
  • Additional features: Key fobs often come with additional features, such as remote start, which lets you start the engine of your car from a distance.


  • Cost: Replacing a lost key fob can be quite expensive, with some models costing several hundred dollars.
  • Battery life: Key fobs are powered by batteries that need to be replaced periodically.
  • Accessibility: If the battery in the key fob dies, you may not be able to access your car until you replace the battery.

How To Choose The Right Key Fob For Your Nissan Car

Choosing the right key fob can be challenging because there are many different options available in the market. Some factors you should consider when choosing the right key fob for your nissan car are:

  • Compatibility: Make sure the key fob you are buying is compatible with your nissan car model.
  • Range: Determine the range you need for your key fob. Some key fobs have a range of up to 1,000 feet, while others have a shorter range.
  • Features: Decide which features are important to you. Key fobs often come with additional features such as remote start and automatic trunk opening.
  • Price: Key fobs can be quite expensive, so consider your budget before making a purchase. Keep in mind that cheaper options may not be of high quality and may break down or malfunction more frequently.

By considering all these factors, you can choose the right key fob for your nissan car that fits your needs and budget.

Signs That Your Nissan Key Fob May Not Be Working And The Causes

Signs That Your Key Fob May Not Be Functioning Properly

Keyless entry has made our lives much easier. No more fiddling with car keys, trying to get the right one in the lock. However, sometimes key fobs quit working, making it difficult to get into your vehicle. Here are a few signs that your nissan key fob may not be functioning properly:

  • Your nissan isn’t responding to the key fob pressing or using the fob’s buttons
  • The key fob’s led light doesn’t light up when you press its buttons
  • The key fob’s range is less than it used to be
  • Difficulty starting the car using the start/stop button

Common Causes Of Key Fob Malfunctions

It can be frustrating when your key fob doesn’t work, but you can rest assured there are solutions to these problems. Here are some common causes of key fob malfunctions:

  • Dead battery: This is the most common cause of key fob problems. A battery replacement can fix this issue quickly and easily.
  • Water damage: Key fobs are electronic, so water can cause damage that disables the fob. If you think this is the issue, try drying the key fob with a hairdryer or silica gel.
  • Worn buttons: The buttons on your keyless entry fob can go out eventually due to repeated use. In this situation, you may need a replacement fob.
  • Interference: Wireless devices can interfere with your key fob signal, making it seem that the key fob is malfunctioning. Moving away from the other devices or reprogramming the fob to prevent signal conflict can solve this issue.

Now that you know the signs and common causes of key fob malfunctions, you can quickly diagnose the problem and find a solution. So don’t let these issues get you down. Take care of your key fob and it will take care of you!

Quick Fixes For Your Nissan Key Fob

Simple Tricks To Try If Your Nissan Key Fob Is Not Working

Are you having trouble getting your nissan key fob to work? Don’t worry; this is a common problem that can be resolved with some simple steps. Here are a few tricks you can try before scheduling a visit to the dealership:

  • Move closer to your vehicle: If your fob is not working, try standing closer to your nissan, as it may be due to weak signal strength.
  • Replace the battery: If your battery is low, try replacing it and see if it resolves the issue. Follow the steps below for battery replacement.
  • Restart your nissan: Just like computer software, sometimes your vehicle can also benefit from a reboot. Try turning the engine off and then back on after a few seconds.

Steps To Follow When Replacing The Battery In Your Key Fob

Replacing the battery in your key fob is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to save money and resolve the issue:

  • Purchase a new battery: Check your user manual for the battery’s type and buy a replacement from any hardware store.
  • Remove the key fob case: Use a small flathead screwdriver to pry the cover off the case. Be gentle and careful not to damage the case or break the tabs that secure it.
  • Remove the old battery: Take the dead battery out of the key fob and discard it.
  • Insert the new battery: Place the new battery in the same position, with the positive side facing up.
  • Reattach the case: Line the case’s tabs up and push down gently until it clicks back into place.

How To Reset Your Nissan Key Fob

If replacing the battery doesn’t solve the problem, resetting your nissan key fob may be the solution you need. Follow these simple steps:

  • Insert the key in the ignition: Once the key is in, turn it to the “on” position without starting the engine.
  • Press and hold the lock button: Simultaneously, press the lock button on your key fob and keep it pressed for a few seconds.
  • Release the button: After a few seconds, release the lock button and turn off your nissan.
  • Test your key fob: Try using your key fob again to see if it’s now working correctly.

These are some quick fixes to try if your nissan key fob is not working. By following these simple steps, you may avoid a costly trip to the dealership or mechanic. Just remember to replace the battery and reset the key fob after trying all of the mentioned tricks.

Advanced Troubleshooting Tips

Reasons Why Your Nissan Key Fob Is Still Not Functioning Correctly

If you have tried most of the basic troubleshooting tips for your nissan key fob without success, then it might be time to consider the following advanced tips:

  • Battery replacement: In some cases, the reason why your key fob isn’t working correctly is due to a dead battery. Try replacing the battery with a new one and test if it works.
  • Reprogramming the key fob: If a new battery doesn’t work, try reprogramming your key fob. The steps to reprogram your key fob may differ, depending on the model of your car. Consult your owner’s manual or dealership for detailed instructions.
  • Checking the antenna: A malfunctioning antenna may prevent your key fob from communicating with the car. If you suspect that the antenna is the problem, then you need to take it to a professional locksmith for repair.

Common Problems With The Key Fob System, And How To Solve Them

Key fobs are reliable and secure means of accessing your nissan. However, like any other device, it can develop some faults; here are some common issues you may experience with your key fob and how to fix them:

  • Signal interference: Radio-frequency interference is a common problem that may prevent the key fob from working correctly. If you suspect that interference may be the problem, try placing the key fob closer to the car before pressing the buttons. If that doesn’t work, try replacing the battery or reprogramming the key fob.
  • Physical damage: Physical damage to the key fob may cause erratic behavior or complete failure. If there are visible signs of damage, then you may need to consider replacing the key fob with a new one.
  • Failed locking system: If the car’s locking system fails to work with the key fob, then the key fob may not be the root cause of the problem. A professional locksmith or dealership may be required for further inspection.

When To Call A Professional Locksmith For Assistance

If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting tips and the key fob still refuses to work, then it’s time to call a professional locksmith. Here are some instances when calling a locksmith is necessary:

  • Key fob replacement: If your key fob is beyond repair or has been lost, then a locksmith can help you get a new one.
  • Malfunctioning smart locking system: If you’ve tried to unlock your car’s smart locking system and it’s not working, then a locksmith can help to diagnose and repair the problem.
  • General maintenance: If your key fob is working correctly, but you need routine maintenance like battery replacement or cleaning, then a locksmith can do this quickly and easily.

Remember, if you are unsure about any aspect of key fob troubleshooting, don’t hesitate to call a professional locksmith. They have the expertise and tools to diagnose and fix the problem, ensuring that your car is secure and accessible at all times.

Preventing Key Fob Malfunctions

Nothing is more frustrating than finding yourself at your car with a key fob that has suddenly stopped working. You may need to resort to manually unlocking your doors and possibly even activating your car’s alarm. To avoid such an inconvenience, it is essential to take care of your nissan key fob properly.

Below are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind when handling your key fob.

Dos And Don’Ts Of Handling Your Key Fob

It’s easy to mishandle key fobs, leading to unnecessary issues. Here are some things to remember:

  • Do keep your key fob away from magnets or electronics, which can interfere with the device’s radio frequency.
  • Do store your key fob in a safe place, ideally a designated keychain or pocket to reduce the chances of it falling out of your pocket or purse.
  • Do replace your battery every three to four years. A low battery can lead to key fob malfunctions.
  • Do be careful when changing your key fob battery. Touching the battery’s terminals during replacement may lead to irreparable damage to the key fob.
  • Don’t expose your key fob to water, excessive heat, or damp areas. This can cause damage to the device’s internal circuitry.
  • Don’t use your key fob excessively. Pressing buttons unnecessarily can lead to the buttons wearing out, leading to malfunctions.
  • Don’t keep your key fob near other electronic devices or other key fobs. Radio signals from these may interfere with your key fob signal, leading to keyless entry issues

Tips On Maintaining The Functionality Of Your Nissan Key Fob

Apart from handling your key fob correctly, you can also do certain things to ensure it stays functional. Here are some tips:

  • Regular cleaning – clean your key fob with a dry cloth. Remove any dirt or debris that has accumulated between the button gaps. If needed, use a soft bristled toothbrush to get rid of stubborn dirt.
  • Software updates – make sure that your car key fob software is up-to-date. Check for any available updates every three to four months.
  • Spare key fob – if possible, have a spare key fob programmed for your vehicle’s keyless entry. This is an excellent way of ensuring that you’re never locked out of your car, and it generates less wear and tear on the primary key fob.

How To Avoid Key Fob Issues In The Future

Taking appropriate care of your nissan key fob will help avoid any issues in the future. Here are some additional practices to keep in mind:

  • Keeping spares – have a spare battery for your key fob ready, and replace batteries every three to four years, if necessary.
  • Key fob case – protect your key fob from any damage or scratches by using a key fob case. This will provide a layer of protection and, in turn, avoid any unnecessary malfunctions or damages.
  • Take precautions – be extra careful in parking lots or in places where your car may be more prone to theft. Being aware of your key fob’s safety can help save you costly repairs or replacements.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your nissan key fob stays functional and avoids any unforeseen malfunctions.

Frequently Asked Questions On Nissan Key Fob Not Working

Why Is My Nissan Key Fob Not Working?

Your key fob may not be working due to a dead battery, a malfunctioning key fob, or issues with your car’s electrical system. It is worth checking the battery or trying to reprogram your fob before contacting a professional.

How Do I Replace My Nissan Key Fob Battery?

To replace the battery, open the fob and remove the old battery. Replace it with a new battery of the same type and close the fob. Make sure the contacts are clean and aligned before testing.

How Do I Reprogram My Nissan Key Fob?

To reprogram your key fob, you must first enter your car’s programming mode. Once in programming mode, press any button on your key fob and wait for your car to respond. This should reset the connection between your fob and car.

Can I Use A Backup Key If My Nissan Key Fob Isn’T Working?

Yes, your nissan should come with a backup key that can be used in the event your fob is not working. You will have to manually unlock the car and start the engine with the backup key instead of the fob.

How Long Does A Nissan Key Fob Battery Last?

The average life of a nissan key fob battery is around 6 months to a year, although this can vary depending on usage and other factors. It is a good idea to have a backup battery on hand in case your current battery dies unexpectedly.


After going through this entire blog post, we hope you have a better understanding of the reasons that could be causing the nissan key fob not to work. Remember to follow the troubleshooting steps mentioned above to help you pinpoint the issue and find a solution.

Whether it be replacing the key battery or reprogramming the key fob, taking the necessary steps to fix the problem will save you time and money in the long run. It is also important to keep up with regular maintenance to ensure the longevity of your key fob and prevent any future problems.

Don’t hesitate to seek the help of a professional if the issue remains unresolved, they would be able to provide further guidance and assistance. Take care of your key fob and it will take care of you.

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