5 Common Stihl Ms 291 Problems You Need to Know

Stihl ms 291 problems can include difficulty starting and running, chain issues, and oil leaks. The stihl ms 291 chainsaw is a reliable and powerful tool for cutting through trees and other wood.

However, like any piece of equipment, it can encounter problems that may cause frustration for the user. Some common problems with the stihl ms 291 include difficulty starting and running, issues with the chain, and oil leaks. In this article, we will go over these problems in more detail and provide tips for diagnosing and fixing them.

By understanding what could be causing these issues, you can keep your stihl ms 291 running smoothly for years to come.

5 Common Stihl Ms 291 Problems You Need to Know

Credit: yardfloor.com

Issue 1: Starting Problems

Starting the stihl ms 291 chainsaw can sometimes be a frustrating experience, but there are ways to prevent potential issues. Firstly, make sure you have a full tank of fresh gas and your filter is clean. Secondly, set the choke on full throttle before attempting to start the saw.

Pull the starter rope with a firm grip until you hear signs of the engine coming to life, then push the choke halfway down. Once the chainsaw is running, let it warm up for a few minutes before using it.

To prevent starting problems, always use fresh gasoline, keep your filters clean, and go for regular tune-ups to ensure the engine is performing at its best. By following these simple steps, you can reduce the likelihood of starting issues with your stihl ms 291.

Issue 2: Chain And Bar Problems

Chains breaking or coming off and bars wearing out are common stihl ms 291 problems. Signs of these issues include the chain not cutting properly or the bar showing signs of wear and tear. To avoid these problems, ensure the chain tension is properly adjusted and lubricated.

Investing in a quality chain and bar can also make a difference. If the chain still comes off, check for damaged drive sprockets, worn bar rails, and chain tensioners. In cases of worn-out bars, investing in a new one can save you time and money in the long run.

Stay ahead of chain and bar issues by keeping your chainsaw well-maintained, and always addressing any issues as soon as they arise.

Issue 3: Fuel And Oil Problems

Fuel and oil problems are not uncommon when using the stihl ms 291. Properly mixing fuel and oil is crucial to avoid issues such as engine seizing and performance problems. Using quality fuel and oil is also necessary to prevent clogs in the carburetor and fuel lines.

It’s important to read the owner’s manual and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for fuel and oil mixtures. In addition, proper storage of fuel and oil is essential to keep them from becoming contaminated. By taking these steps, users of the stihl ms 291 can avoid common fuel and oil-related problems and keep their equipment running smoothly.

Issue 4: Air Filter Problems

An essential component of a chainsaw is the air filter, that stops debris or dirt from entering the engine. However, the air filter can become clogged or dirty, causing the engine to fail. Indications of a clogged air filter are engine stalling, uneven idling, or losing power.

A simple solution is to clean the air filter regularly by either using a compressed air blower, washing it with soap, or replacing it if heavily soiled. Neglecting to do so may lead to serious issues. Additionally, inspecting the air filter for damage caused by debris or tears is also prudent.

With proper maintenance and upkeep, stihl ms 291 problems shouldn’t be a concern.

Issue 5: Maintenance And Repair Issues

Proper chainsaw maintenance is crucial to avoid problems with the stihl ms 291. Neglecting to perform regular maintenance tasks and improper repairs can lead to costly issues. To keep your chainsaw in excellent working condition, ensure that you follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule.

Tasks such as replacing the air filter, checking the chain lubrication, and tightening loose bolts and screws must be done frequently. If you lack the knowledge, expertise, or time to perform maintenance on your own, hire a professional. A professional technician can diagnose issues that are beyond your skill level.

Regular maintenance and timely repair services will extend the lifespan of your chainsaw.

Frequently Asked Questions For Stihl Ms 291 Problems

What Are The Common Problems With Stihl Ms 291?

Some common problems with stihl ms 291 are hard starting, overheating, bar oil leakage, and low power output. These issues can be caused by several factors, including a clogged air filter, damaged spark arrestor, worn chain, or broken carburetor. Regular maintenance can prevent such problems.

How To Fix The Hard Starting Problem In Stihl Ms 291?

Hard starting in stihl ms 291 can be fixed by replacing the spark plug, cleaning or replacing the air filter, and adjusting the carburetor. Other causes could be a clogged fuel filter, old gasoline, or a faulty ignition system. Regular maintenance and following the manufacturer’s instructions can prevent the hard starting problem in the first place.

Why Is My Stihl Ms 291 Overheating?

Stihl ms 291 overheating can be caused by different factors such as a dirty or clogged air filter, dull or incorrectly adjusted chain, damaged spark arrestor, or a blocked muffler. Overheating can easily damage the cylinder and piston. It’s necessary to identify the cause and fix the problem as soon as possible.

Can I Use Any Bar And Chain Oil For Stihl Ms 291?

It’s highly recommended to use stihl bar and chain oil for stihl ms 291. Other oils may not have the same properties required for high-speed chainsaw applications. The bar and chain oil’s superior lubricating properties protect the chainsaw’s bar and chain from wear and corrosion, maximizing its performance and lifespan.

How To Prevent Low Power Output In Stihl Ms 291?

Low power output in stihl ms 291 could be a result of several factors such as a clogged air filter, dirty spark plug, worn-out chain, or an issue with the carburetor. To prevent this problem, it’s crucial to perform regular maintenance, use correct fuel, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.


After analyzing the common issues customers have faced with the stihl ms 291, it’s evident that this chainsaw is not free of problems. However, that being said, it’s important to give due consideration to the numerous factors that could cause these problems.

As discussed above, several factors like poor maintenance, incorrect usage, and the environment can cause issues with the saw’s functioning. It’s essential to always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and purchase from a certified dealer to ensure proper inspection and servicing.

In essence, it’s not advisable to discredit the stihl ms 291 because of a few common problems that can be resolved. Keeping in mind the saw’s numerous benefits and high-quality performance, it’s still a top-choice chainsaw in the market. With proper care and handling, this saw can last for many years, serving its purpose effectively.

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